Wednesday, January 18, 2012


My favorire "stop sopa" page is Zachary Johnson's shadowbox with the moving light (just move your cursor) on Zachstronaut. Adding this one to my feed reader... tomorrow. Today ..... 

Sites are striking in all different ways, but they are united by this: do the biggest thing you possibly can and drive contacts to Congress. *Put the source code for this page your site* ~ it's my main page at Mountainair Online (the web page). I have no control over blog policies. I'm not really up to tinker with source code to show a black out page on my blogs. So I am settling for posting information and exhortations (like this one). Except for following #sopastrike on Twitter and @fightfortheftr) and Reddit, I'm staying off public pages today. No Facebook or 

Personal blackouts seem to be running either 24 hours (midnight to midnight) or 8AM EST to 8PM EST. Major supporting sites like Wikipedia, WordPress, Google, Internet Archive (+ Wayback Machine), Electronic Frontier Foundation, Tucows and many, many more are striking for 24 hours. Looked like a major slow down on Facebook when I checked (before 8 am).  

What can you do to support the strike if you don't have a blog or web page, can't blog and RT #sopastrike stories? Make a call; sign the petition; learn more; the action of the hour is to speak out. Write a letter to the editor of your local paper, opposing the bills. Contact local news stations and let them know that this is an issue worth covering. And there is still email, what they could be coming after next...

Today's Google search page:

Monday, January 16, 2012

#evomlit chat anyone?

Here's an idea that come to me straight from Jenny saying "see you online or on Twitter." Let's do a twitter chat with its own hashtag: set a time for synchronous discussion on twitter like #FYCchat, #Engchat, #ELTchat and others.  


This fits right into the tags part of "Declaring" too and is easy to do. Set a time, show up then on Twitter, search the designated #hashtag and join the discussion or just follow. Twitter chat discussions usually set a topic but don't have to. It might be better to have a different (modified) tag instead of using just #evomlit because we use that as a general tag. What about #mlitchat (to save characters) or #evomlitchat? We'd still want to use #evomlit for archiving.

Think about it. What would be the most convenient time for as many "multiliterates" as possible. 


Searching, I saw more links and resources about #twchat than I would have expected. There's another blog post here too as well as a synchronous activity to host for Program for Online Teaching. Until then, I offer a few links to tide you over:

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

making a list, checking it twice

So #evomlit 2012 begins. #Change11 & #POTcert11 heading into 2nd half. Time to (try again to) get it together. That reminds me of a Nebbish cartoon. But not worry overmuch either if I don't...


For those, who as Vance phrased it, like ticking items off checklist, here's where I am this morning. I feel obliged to mention though that like may have little to do with it. I am approaching that Swiss cheese brain stage of life plus multitask online in several other areas, so no list = forgetting. Necessity as they say can be a real mother, or in this case, grandmother. 

Multiple multi-tasking... would that be multi-multi-tasking or multi-tasking²? I digress. Back to the list ... with commentary aka asides.

One advantage to MultiLit The Rerun: some tasks are already done, although even those benefit from checking and perhaps tweaking. 
  • In YGroup (obviously), set to web mail (I change setting for ease of replying at least for 1st week, which also reinforces the reply habit)
  • Posterous account and subscribed to Multiliteracies
  • already got blog/s
  • Ditto Delicious and Diigo
  • feeds already in reader for all the above 
If you don't already have these and with feeds in reader and/or aggregator, I recommend taking care of it early. NOW! Next week if not sooner, you will be overwhelmed and hard put to get to it. 

Next MOOC, if you have notice and register early, do it before course starts ~ my  #1 tip on how to pack for a MOOC. 

New this time or something to do every time, I 
  • Introduce myself again on group, read ALL introductions and post greet other participants
  • Sent request (pending) to
  • Registered (pending) with our "new" Ning
  • Remove #hiatus tag from Multiliteracies folder in Google Reader (like mail, what you can do with GR is a whole topic on its own)
  • Post addresses, IDs and urls for email, twitter, blog/s, aggregator page, PLN, other social media. This should be part of introduction but I forgot yesterday so will add them to this post.
email: or
ID/s: Yahoo ~ vcrary; Google ~ vanessa.87036

Now back to thinking about where I want to go, whether to commit to a "project" or just putter as I meander the mooc landscape collecting, curating, engaging and of course procrastinating. Thinking of the denizens of digitalandia, be they natives or tourists, immigrants or visitors, I realize that I am none of these, more like a footloose vagabond at home in mind.  

Observations about learning, knowledge and technology

Recent #MOOC & #PLE research from Rita Kop: publications on Massive Open Online Courses and Personal Learning Environments. 

Rita (ur-moocquette or mooc wonkette? Maybe both...) writes...
People interested in Massive Open Online Courses will probably be aware of the research by Helene Fournier and me on Personal Learning Environments and MOOCs. We carried out research in the MOOC PLENK2010 (The MOOC Personal Learning Environments Networks and Knowledge that was held in the fall of 2010). The data collected on this distributed course with 1641 participants has been massive as well. Its analysis has kept us and some fellow researchers busy over the past year. The research has resulted in a number of publications and I thought it might be useful to post links to all of our journal articles, conference papers and presentations that were published in relation to PLEs and MOOCs in one space. Each publication looks at the data from a different perspective, eg, requirements in a PLE, self-directed learning, learner support, creativity.
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