Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Day 4 in the #WriMo Zone: #PSLF Rules comment, apology memes

…zip blog posts (unless I post something late after finishing here), zip #digiwrimo, plenty of writing but zip #nanowrimo, some Facebook, way too much email ~ managing, deleting, filing and writing. In other words, today was a real zippity not do damn all day

Today's main contribution to any real or imagined❛greater good❜was commenting on proposed "rule-making committee to prepare proposed regulations governing the Federal William D. Ford Direct Loan (Federal Direct Loan) Program." Why was it important? Student loan debt, income based repayment programs, Public Service Loan Forgiveness. The comment was harder to write than I expected., especially after reading so much about the topic and so many other comments. The more you know, the less sense it makes. I did it anyway. That was probably what made an otherwise lost day worth getting up for, along with Bill Lipkin's video clip and the dozen eggs Kay brought. OK but I still felt like walking out on all the blogs and all the #wrimo, even 10 years of NaNoWriMo. Just one of those days. Tomorrow will be another.

In case you need to apologize for something you are not really sorry about, this page is very handy. Better than emoji:

Formal Apology From Voldermort To Harry Potter

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